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Twin Timelines

Part II (From 2016)







Past issues of the Communique have been applying Biblical texts to the recent tumultuous events in America. Utilizing what we call the Armageddon Script, a system wherein prophetic themes drawn from Scriptural events provides us with supernatural indicators of future prophetic sequence, the LORD has directed Christian Media to make numerous predictions.


Although these prophetic utterances go back to the 1990’s – where predictions concerning the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin of Israel, as well as the 911 event were made in writing (years before they occurred), this year we’ve been intensely focused on the Trump revolution.


Having long connected the Spirit behind Hillary Clinton to the wicked reign of Jezebel in the Old Testament, we found the cycle of events, in which Jezebel sought to continue after her husband Ahab no longer held power, to be relevant. Since Hillary is closely associated with Barack Obama, and we’ve long searched for clues concerning a new sequence which would follow Obama, we researched the reign and defeat of Jezebel.


To briefly recap, Christian Media has long identified Obama with the Pale Horse of Revelation, immediately following GW Bush’s manifestation of the Black Horse, which was preceded by Bill Clinton’s Red Horse, and GHW Bush’s White Horse. That cycle is thoroughly covered in my book The Rise And Fall Of The Romerican Empire.


For many years, using a related formula called the 6, 7, 8 Cycle, we’ve asserted the six New Testament era kingdoms of the Holy Roman Empire, Imperial Spanish dominion, The British Commonwealth, the USSR, the Third Reich of Germany, and America are predicted in Scripture as a recapitulation of the six Old Testament era kingdoms of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome. In the first timeline (after Egypt and Assyria), Daniel tells us the kingdom which follows the latter four will be associated with the Kingdom of God. This would be the seventh kingdom:


“And in the days of these kings [Babylon, Persia, Greece, & Rome] shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed” (Daniel 2:44).


Obviously JESUS CHRIST arrived after the Roman Empire, and His divinely ordained ministry repeatedly announced the arrival of the Kingdom of God.


“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:14, 15).


Thus pre-Christian Rome was the sixth kingdom, Christ’s eternal kingdom is the seventh, and the synthesis of the two was the Holy Roman Empire – the eighth.


“And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition” (Revelation 17:11).


The eighth day is actually the first day of a new week, so the initialization of the Christian era recapitulates the six ancient kingdoms, and that Holy Roman Empire becomes the first of six parallel kingdoms. Once again, it is followed by Catholic Spain, as well as the contemporary parallel of the ancient quartet of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome. In the second timeline, the British Empire (seen in the lion prophecy of Daniel 7), is followed by the Soviet Union (the bear kingdom), Nazi Germany (the leopard), and the diverse beast kingdom of America.


The White Horse is another look at the lion kingdom, even as the Red Horse is another view of the bear kingdom. The Third Reich is seen in the Black Horse (the same as the leopard kingdom), and the Pale Horse (the diverse beast kingdom) is America. Since these prophetic cycles continue to run, we also found the last four presidents of the USA reiterated the four horsemen in an accelerated fashion, with the knight of the British Empire GHW Bush (White Horse/lion/3rd kingdom), Moscow educated Bill Clinton (Red Horse/bear/4th kingdom), the war president GW Bush (Black Horse/leopard/5th kingdom) and Barack Obama’s composite mingling of all his predecessors as the Pale Horse/diverse beast/6th kingdom.


For several years, since there are no other “horsemen” following the White/Red/Black/Pale horse quartet, we’ve sought to anticipate what follows Barack Obama. For example, writing in my book The 6, 7, 8 Cycle in 2010, I indicated the seventh kingdom (the one following Obama) in the Twin Timelines would have be seen as something of a miraculous move of God:


“This means that America must fall, just as the Roman Empire fell, but when its “deadly wound” is healed, there will be a new synthesis of political and religious perspectives, and it will be characterized as a great move of God” (The 6, 7, 8 Cycle, James Lloyd, 2010, page 54, emphasis in the original).


When Donald Trump was enthusiastically supported by an estimated 83% of American evangelicals, in an election victory referred to as miraculous, we have just seen that prediction fulfilled. And there is more.


As the election campaign unfolded, the entrance of Donald Trump into the race hardly seemed to be the fulfillment of prophecy. To be certain, Hillary Clinton confidently campaigned as though it was a foregone conclusion she would be president; and since we were looking for something unusual concerning who would succeed Obama, the idea of a woman as president began to make some degree of sense. Further, we have long anticipated a political and military confrontation with Islamic powers – associated with Russia – and in the days of the campaign, tensions with Russia over Syria became very tense. It was clear Russia was being maneuvered into position, so it would appear that prophecy was being fulfilled.


We have long stated the now classic idea of Russia and several Islamic states confederated together, and moving against the modern state of Israel as a fulfillment of the Gog and Magog prophecies in Ezekiel 38, is a supernatural ruse. This positioning of Islam as the “fall guy” in a cataclysmic war is related to the rapidly growing idea of an Islamic Antichrist. Further, since the Gog and Magog prophecies are actually fulfilled in the Spiritual realm, the external alignment of powers threatening the Jewish state is a false prophetic expectation designed to convince the world the state of Israel is the “Israel” of the Bible. Thus, the globalist prodding of Russia by the Obama/Clinton cryptocracy looked consistent with that agenda.  However, Donald Trump is also a Jewish Supremacist, and he will also defend the state of Israel – and his antipathy towards Iran (and Isis) is a powerful indicator.


Perhaps one of the most significant facts is how the American evangelical church wholeheartedly embraced Donald Trump. Obviously preferable to the brazen evil associated with the political Left, when viewed by almost any type of Christian, Trump is easily seen as preferable to Hillary. Finally, when several prophetically significant episodes pointed us towards the identification of Trump with Jehu, the ancient Israelite king who destroyed Jezebel, we realized the American election of 2016 is yet another stage of prophecy unfolding before our very eyes.


Since the American Empire directly parallels the Roman Empire, at least one observer has already noted the similarity between Donald Trump’s moves and that of the Roman Emperor Constantine, who is historically known for his assimilation of the Christian faith into the political agenda of Rome. In a time of significant political turmoil, Rome had been sharply divided over the Gospel, and the shift towards an embrace of Christianity by the Empire decisively moved the Romans towards a politicized (read leavened) version of the truth. In a very real way, the collision between the antiquarian heathen religions of Rome and the Gospel had created a divisive social “wound” in the nation.


We have already broadcast video clips of Trump during the campaign, where he stated that America, under the disastrous rule of Obama, has experienced “a wound, and it’s a wound we need to heal.” In his victory speech, he again referenced Revelation’s Deadly Wound (which strikes the final Beast Empire), even as he stated we must “bind the wound.” 


Back in Jezebel’s time, the prophet Elijah said when Jezebel is overthrown, “dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel” (II Kings 9:36) – a prediction which literally came to pass, as her own people pushed her out a window when King Jehu came to power. Christian Media predicted how conservative democrats, called “Blue Dog Democrats” would reiterate that event, and betray Hillary. A recent political essay carried the blaring headline “Trump Has Captured The Blue Dog Vote” – indicating the well known coalition of conservative Democrats known as “Blue Dog Democrats,” which once formed an important part of her partisan base, turned against her.


In a widely publicized rage, Hillary referenced Trump supporters as “half a basket of deplorables” – whereas in a deplorably violent purge, Jehu ordered the severed heads of her constituency (and relatives) to be put in baskets.


“…the rulers of Jezreel…slew seventy persons, and put their heads in baskets, and sent him them to Jezreel” (II Kings 10:1,7).


When Jehu came to power in Jezreel (Esdraelon in the Greek), his devastation of the corrupt order of Jezebel fulfilled crucial prophecies of Elijah the prophet, who had pronounced the LORD’s judgment on her. There are other interesting parallels to that aspect of these “scripts.” For instance, Ahab had greatly desired a piece of property (the vineyard of an innocent man named Naboth), but Naboth would not sell it as it was his inheritance. The Bible tells us it was Jezebel who came up with the scheme to destroy the innocent Naboth, so her husband could seize the property.


During Bill Clinton’s presidency (which most see was strategically directed by Hillary), one of the most egregious acts of tyranny was the government’s effort to seize an important piece of property owned by the Indianapolis Baptist Temple. The unregistered Baptists had challenged the Beast government’s supposedly lawful right to tax the church. Although the temple was ultimately seized (and bulldozed) by GW Bush’s despicable Attorney General John Ashcroft early in the Bush reign (even as Ashcroft continued to proclaim himself a Christian), the Clintons were the primary movers as the Baptist Temple asserted the Kingdom of God reports to the LORD – to say nothing of the historic protections found in constitutional guarantees stating the government has no authority over the LORD’s church.


After Jehu destroyed Jezebel’s power structure, he consolidated power by decimating all who were associated with her evil reign – seen in his execution of her relatives. Since Jezebel was widely known as a priestess of the foreign god Baal (her very name means woman of Baal), Jehu completely eradicated the followers of Baal from Israel in his time. Since the Clinton Foundation has now been exposed as a slush fund for Islamic money seeking to curry favor with Clinton’s State Department under Obama (the so-called “Pay for Play”), we see a connection between the ancient sustenance of Baal worship under Jezebel (I Kings 18:19), and the secretive backing of Isis via Hillary Clinton’s corrupt political machine.


Trump’s repeated election promises to put a stop to the infiltration of America by Islam (not to mention the butchery of Isis) are a contemporary parallel to Jehu’s efforts to completely destroy the prophets of Baal.


“Thus Jehu destroyed Baal out of Israel” (II Kings 10:28).


-- James Lloyd


To Be Continued




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